Thursday, June 08, 2006

Facts on LASIK Eye Surgery

Get the Facts on LASIK Eye Surgery by: Morgan Hamilton

Are you one of those poor people that can't seem to see as well as they used to. Are you near sighted or far sighted? Perhaps you also have astigmatism? If this sounds like you, you may have thought about LASIK eye surgery. LASIK stands for laser assisted in situ keratomileusis. LASIK eye surgery is a procedure that permanently changes the shape of the cornea (the clear covering over the front of the eye). Before you ask, yes it does use a laser! Before you decide on LASIK eye surgery, you should get the facts on LASIK eye surgery. First, before you get LASIK eye surgery, you should know that if you where contacts, you must stop wearing them several weeks before you go for your initial LASIK eye surgery exam (this exam makes sure you are a candidate for LASIK). This is because contacts misshapen your eye. If you don't stop wearing them, the doctor will not know how to properly perform the LASIK eye surgery.
You must also have transportation to and from the hospital the day of the surgery. This is because you may be given a sedative and your vision will be impaired so you cannot drive. After the LASIK eye surgery, you will have some side effects that will last several days. Your eyes will itch and burn. You will feel as though something is in your eye. Your eyes may also water.
You must never touch your eyes or rub them for several weeks after the LASIK eye surgery. To protect your eyes, you will have to wear an eye shield while you sleep for several weeks. Other side effects are more long term. These can occur for 6 months or longer. These are: dry eyes, blurred vision, difficulty seeing at night, light sensitivity, glares, and vision fluctuations. If you cannot handle any of this, then LASIK eye surgery is not for you. LASIK eye surgery has many rules you must follow after surgery. The eye shield was just one of them. You may not wear eye make up for at least 2 weeks. You may not go swimming or in a whirlpool or hot tub for at least 8 weeks.
You must also not play any contact sports for at least 4 weeks. These are the most important facts you should know about LASIK eye surgery. Be aware that even if you decide you want to have LASIK eye surgery, the doctor may feel that you are not a candidate for the procedure. This can be for many reasons that the doctor will have to go over with you. Now that you know the basics of LASIK eye surgery, take your time and do some research before making your decision. Seymour Blue offers expert advice and great tips regarding all aspects of Lasik Eye Surgery.

Get the information you are seeking now by visiting

1 comment:

ARUMI said...

I had my eyes LASIK'ed 5 months ago, and think it is awesome. Has anyone else had it done? My prescription was very stable so I have my fingers crossed that it going to remain this good. It is awesome having 20 /20 vision with no aritical aids. I went river surfing in February, got plenty of water in the face going through the rapids and could still see where I was going - which was a good thing when they have named one of the rapids 'man eater'. River surfing is great fun if you get a chance, it is going down the rapids on a boogie board - the rapids seem a lot bigger than when you are in a raft, and much more fun.