Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Eye Phobia For Lasik Surgery

Overcoming Eye Phobia For Lasik Surgery by Peter Rankin

If you wear glasses or contact lenses, it could be that you are completely bored of putting them on every morning. It could be that you have started with another accessory - a chain round your neck for your glasses as you are in the habit of constantly misplacing them. The worst of all is when you are fed up of 'wearing your eyes' to see anything ! if you are in agreement with one or more of the statements mentioned here, it is high time that you tried an option which takes care of most of your problems. Do away with glasses or contact lenses. Go for Lasik surgery - a brand new technology which can repair your eyes surgically. There are many whose vision was restored to the 20/20 level. There are more who have had even better results.

But the sheer thought of a doctor focusing a laser beam into the eye and blinding it permanently is surely a scary thought. But getting properly educated on Lasik Surgery could eliminate many of the fears. One of the proven ways to overcome this phobia is to watch a Lasik surgery done on someone else. If this also does not help, contact your eye doctor who can refer you to a clinical psychologist, who can help.

Most doctors allow prospective patients to sit and watch a Lasik surgery done to another patient. Either it is video taped which you can watch or you may like to sit and watch the procedure live, of course with the patients' consent. Once you experience the simplicity, painlessness and the convenience of the whole surgical process, you may feel comforted. More over, you may ask the patient questions like, what it felt when the surgery was in progress, how it feels now or any other questions you may have.

Information is power. So true in this case. The more information you gather, the more you learn about the pros and cons of lasik surgery the more equipped you are to face the surgical procedure, when it happens to you. Intensive and extensive knowledge about lasik surgery can put you at ease and prepare you to face the situation. Watching it happen to others is a wonderful way to learn. With eyes open all the time, the procedure is carried out - yet you cant see a thing because your head and eyes are kept fixed in one position. If this is scary news to you, watch it happen to some one else. It will put you at ease.

In case witnessing a surgery done on some one else is not quite your cup of tea, you can try getting a psychological counseling. Professional psychologists can cure any phobia. Some try it with hypnosis, some with visual aids to get the fear out of your system. And they do this pretty fast. If you think a good psychologist is expensive, you could try another method to overcome fear. Try meditation.

Meditation helps in soothing and calming the mind and body. It can help you lose weight, give you relief from stress and anxieties and help you overcome phobias. Once you know enough about lasik surgery, you could do some research on meditation and see how meditation helps in soothing battered nerves. "Meditation for Dummies" is a good book which teaches you a lot about mediation, the techniques and also what you can expect from it.

While all these are good ways to get fear out of your system, it could well be that you need a combination of several of these. Only you can tell, what is good for you to get over your phobias. But if you overcome your phobias and get the surgery done, you will be the one who will have the last smile. Because you would have got a better quality of life post-surgery.

The most important thing to remember is that if you don't get over your fear you will be wearing glasses for ever (and keep on losing them also). Hopefully this should give you the right motivation to go ahead and kill that fear bug inside you.
About the Author

Peter Rankin is a staff writer at Vision Digest and is an occasional contributor to several other websites, including Wellness Digest.

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